Saturday, 20 August 2011

While you are waiting

World Song Festival

The World Song festival is a contest held each year by a gentlemen from Norway who's name is Trond. It started in 1997 and each year a song per country is selected, semi finals run and then a final to chose the song of the year. At this time, the semi's have been run and 100 songs are available in the final, ranging from ones we know such as France and the United Kingdom to unknowns such as Abkhazia and Kosovo. This year Trond has included words and clips. Worth the visit.

Eurovision Champions 

My friend in New Zealand runs Eurovision Champions which he started in the early 2000s. In a hiatus, I ran the thing for 2 years on his behalf and then he took it over again.

The way this one works is each week we rate the ESC songs from a country 1-8, 10 and 12 and there is a winner that goes into a grand final, and wild card song, that goes into the wild card round to also go into the final. Reigning champions is the Ukraine's Shady Lady; previous winners include Apres toi (Luxembourg 72), Neka di ne svane (Croatia 98), Lane moi (Serbia 04), and Ja n'ai que mon ame (France 01).

A group of about 20+ people vote each week. Interesting to see the results each week.

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