Tuesday, 9 August 2011

ESC 2011 #9: HUNGARY - What about my dreams - Kati Wolf

[rating before - 2nd; after - 29th]

The Hungarians want to do so well at the ESC - but maybe they were trying too hard. They chose a song that Kati was familiar with, and they gave her a decent clip. The fans loved it; a potential winner. Didn't happen that way, and we should all have realised that we never saw Kati sing it live.

The song is a winner. It is such a good song that non-ESC listening people ask what it is you are listening to. Kati is a wonderful looking woman; the film clip shows that she can perform choreography and if the performance was correct, Hungary could come close. Painfully, on two nights in May, the song did not stand up.

Kati looked uncomfortable, sounded uncomfortable and the whole thing was too big for poor Kati. The song is lively and difficult to sing, but Kati didn't move from her spot, no dance, no movement, no steps. She could not sing that song to the standard it needed, and she looked silly standing trying to force out sounds. Her dress was wrong for the song and the lights on the back up people was strange.

I wished that this would improve from the semi-final to the final, and remarkably it did somewhat. But not enough for a credible result. Sad.

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